
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Every Writer's Antagonist: Writer's Block

This week YA Highway's Road Trip Wednesday topic is:

How do you beat writer's block? Do you go for a jog? Read a book? Go to a movie? Come on, share your secret--we're dying to know!

As every writer knows inspiration can come from anywhere. For me, I've said many times before that one big inspiration comes from music. Just on this week's Music Monday, I posted a great song to help set the mood for writing. That's not exactly to beat writer's block, but it was some sort of inspiration. As for writer's block, to be honest I usually end up flailing in distress and wracking my brain until I think I've had a break through. Usually I haven't, and I'll erase everything I write until I do actually have a break through. But there are a lot of ways I help fuel those glorious break throughs like...

Reading a book.

Or listening to music.

 Or go picture surfing to find awesome pictures.

Also I watch movies and TV.
LMAO!! Got to love Jasper--and the person who created this. Found here

twilight zoolander
Hehe!! Gif found here
Buffy gif
Buffy cast! Found here

But most importantly, I just write.

Tell me, what do you guys do to beat the evil being, writer's block?


  1. Ooh, photos are a great way to cure THE BLOCK. I like to use Tumblr and DeviantArt.

  2. I love that first image of the girl with the book... so cool!

    I think just writing is one of my most effective cures for writer's block. Avoiding my manuscript for things like exercise and reading and hanging with my kiddo are good fixes too.

  3. Buffy is a wonderful cure for writer's block! Joss Whedon can cure anything.

  4. Yay for the Whedon cure! I do all these things, too--especially doing something mindless like cleaning will let my mind wander.

    And thank you for that Jasper .gif, I just sent it to someone who will REALLY appreciate it ;)

  5. I use lots of things: music, pictures, creating houses and people in The Sims 3, writing short stories about things that have happened to my characters outside of the novel(s) I'm working on...

    I think my favorite trick is rewarding myself for completing goals. I'm going to buy the new books, games, DVDs, etc. anyway... May as well make them count. :D

    Nothing beats putting butt in chair and fingers to keyboard, though. You can't be a writer if you don't write.

  6. i think i could come back and get distracted with all these links when things aren't working...


  7. دائما ما يبحث عنه العميل الشركة الأفضل أوالأولي أو الأقدم عموما يقوم العميل بالبحث عن شركة ذات الخبره والأقدميه في المجال ولذلك أصبحنا
    أفضل شركة تنظيف خزانات بالدمام لأننا وبكل جدارة إجتزنا وتخطينا كل الصعوبات وإمتلكنا أفضل وأحدث المعدات والمواد الكامله التي تجعلنا أفضل شركة تنظيف خزانات بالدمام
    معدات للأرضيات
    ومعدات للجدران ومعدات لتنظيف الدرايش (الشبابيك) أيضا وأما عن طريقة عملنا في عملية تنظيف الخزانات في شركة حكايه بعد أن يقوم العميل بالإتصال بنا للإبلاغنا


  8. شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة

    شركة المنزل شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة علي اعلي مستوي من الخبرة و الكفاءة فنستخدم افضل المنظفات المستوردة التي تقضي تماما علي البكتريا و الطحالب العالقة بالخزان و تعمل علي تعقيم الخزان و اقوي مواد العزل التي تمنع تسريبات المياة المضرة بالمياة المخزنة لافضل خدمة عزل خزانات بمكة , غسيل خزانات بمكة بافضل الاسعار علي الاطلاق

    غسيل خزانات بمكة
